Rosalie Rohm

Rosalie Rohm

Wannabe social media enthusiast. Evil burrito maven. Proud coffee junkie. Extreme beer advocate. Passionate pop culture buff.

55 Author´s Posts
Exploring the Costs of Childcare and Medical Expenses in Colorado Springs

Exploring the Costs of Childcare and Medical Expenses in Colorado Springs

Childcare and medical expenses can be a major financial burden for families, especially in Colorado Springs. As part of...

Filing for Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Filing for Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

If you are considering filing for divorce in Colorado Springs, there are a few important things you need to know before...

Residency Requirements in Colorado Springs

Residency Requirements in Colorado Springs

In the state of Colorado Springs, there are certain residency requirements that must be met in order to file for divorce. ...

What to Expect When Attending a Court Hearing for Divorce in Colorado Springs

What to Expect When Attending a Court Hearing for Divorce in Colorado Springs

When it comes to going through a divorce, one of the most daunting parts is attending the court hearing. This is the...

Understanding the Affidavit of Service Form in Colorado Springs

Understanding the Affidavit of Service Form in Colorado Springs

If you are going through a divorce in Colorado Springs, one of the important forms you will need to understand is the...

Understanding Sole Custody in Colorado Springs

Understanding Sole Custody in Colorado Springs

In the complex world of child custody, understanding the different types of custody can be overwhelming. One of the most...

Asking for Referrals from Other Lawyers in Colorado Springs: A Guide to Finding the Right Family Law Attorney

Asking for Referrals from Other Lawyers in Colorado Springs: A Guide to Finding the Right Family Law Attorney

If you're facing a family law issue in Colorado Springs, finding the right attorney can be a daunting task. With so many...

Understanding Joint Custody in Colorado Springs

Understanding Joint Custody in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on joint custody in Colorado Springs. This article is part of our Silo series on child ...

The Importance of Finding a Family Law Attorney in Colorado Springs

The Importance of Finding a Family Law Attorney in Colorado Springs

When it comes to navigating the legal system, finding the right attorney to represent you is crucial. This is especially...

The Importance of Understanding Income of Both Parents in Child Support Cases in Colorado Springs

The Importance of Understanding Income of Both Parents in Child Support Cases in Colorado Springs

In the state of Colorado Springs, child support cases are taken very seriously and the court takes into consideration...

Drafting Legal Documents for Family Law Cases in Colorado Springs

Drafting Legal Documents for Family Law Cases in Colorado Springs

Are you facing a family law case in Colorado Springs and feeling overwhelmed by the daunting task of drafting legal...

Experience in Family Law Cases

Experience in Family Law Cases

Are you facing a family law case and searching for a qualified attorney in Colorado Springs? Look no further! In this...

Child Support Attorneys in Colorado Springs: Helping Families Navigate Legal Matters

Child Support Attorneys in Colorado Springs: Helping Families Navigate Legal Matters

Are you facing legal issues related to child support in Colorado Springs? If so, you're not alone. Many families in the...

Filing for Child Support in Colorado Springs: Everything You Need to Know

Filing for Child Support in Colorado Springs: Everything You Need to Know

Filing for child support in Colorado Springs can be a complicated and emotional process. Whether you are a custodial...

Negotiating Settlements: A Guide for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

Negotiating Settlements: A Guide for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

Are you a family law attorney in Colorado Springs looking to improve your negotiation skills? Look no further, as we have ...

Representation in Court: What You Need to Know

Representation in Court: What You Need to Know

Representation in court is a crucial aspect of any legal matter, particularly when it comes to family law. Whether you...

The Complete Guide to Filing a Custody Petition Form in Colorado Springs

The Complete Guide to Filing a Custody Petition Form in Colorado Springs

Welcome to the complete guide for filing a custody petition form in Colorado Springs. Whether you are a parent seeking...

Understanding Adjustments to Child Support Payments in Colorado Springs

Understanding Adjustments to Child Support Payments in Colorado Springs

Child support payments are an important aspect of family law in Colorado Springs, with many parents relying on them to...

Understanding the Best Interests of the Child in Colorado Springs

Understanding the Best Interests of the Child in Colorado Springs

In the state of Colorado Springs, child custody cases are governed by the best interests of the child. This principle is...

Understanding Child Support in Colorado Springs

Understanding Child Support in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on child support in Colorado Springs. Whether you are a parent going through a divorce ...

Child Support Worksheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Colorado Springs Families

Child Support Worksheet: A Comprehensive Guide for Colorado Springs Families

Are you going through a custody battle in Colorado Springs? If so, you may have heard of a Child Support Worksheet. This...

Serving the Other Party: A Guide to Navigating the Divorce Process in Colorado Springs

Serving the Other Party: A Guide to Navigating the Divorce Process in Colorado Springs

Are you currently going through a divorce in Colorado Springs and feeling overwhelmed by the process? It can be a...

Child Support Payments in Colorado Springs: Everything You Need to Know

Child Support Payments in Colorado Springs: Everything You Need to Know

Child support payments are an important aspect of any custody arrangement, and if you're located in Colorado Springs,...

Understanding Legal Custody in Colorado Springs

Understanding Legal Custody in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on legal custody in Colorado Springs. In this article, we will delve into the...

Child Custody Attorneys in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Child Custody Attorneys in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

When it comes to matters of child custody, the stakes are high and emotions run deep. Whether you are going through a...

Mental and Physical Health of Parents: A Guide to Navigating Child Custody in Colorado Springs

Mental and Physical Health of Parents: A Guide to Navigating Child Custody in Colorado Springs

When it comes to child custody, one of the most important factors that is often overlooked is the mental and physical...

Understanding the Affidavit of Financial Information Form for Child Support in Colorado Springs

Understanding the Affidavit of Financial Information Form for Child Support in Colorado Springs

The legal process of determining child support payments can be complicated and overwhelming, especially when it comes to...

The Importance of Reputation and Client Reviews for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

The Importance of Reputation and Client Reviews for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

As a family law attorney in Colorado Springs, your reputation and the reviews from your clients are crucial to your...

A Complete Guide to Divorce Attorneys in Colorado Springs

A Complete Guide to Divorce Attorneys in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on divorce attorneys in Colorado Springs. Going through a divorce can be a difficult...

Understanding Financial Disclosure Forms in Colorado Springs

Understanding Financial Disclosure Forms in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our article on understanding financial disclosure forms in Colorado Springs, as part of our Silo series on the ...

Interception of Tax Refunds: How it Affects Child Support in Colorado Springs

Interception of Tax Refunds: How it Affects Child Support in Colorado Springs

The interception of tax refunds is a common occurrence when it comes to child support payments in Colorado Springs. Many...

All You Need to Know About Colorado Child Support Guidelines Chart

All You Need to Know About Colorado Child Support Guidelines Chart

When it comes to child support in Colorado Springs, it's important to understand the guidelines set in place for...

Understanding Visitation Rights and Schedules in Colorado Springs

Understanding Visitation Rights and Schedules in Colorado Springs

In the midst of a divorce or separation, one of the most important considerations is the well-being of any children...

Understanding Contested Divorce in Colorado Springs

Understanding Contested Divorce in Colorado Springs

Divorce is a difficult and emotionally charged process, and when it comes to contested divorce in Colorado Springs, the...

A Complete Guide to Parenting Plan Forms in Colorado Springs

A Complete Guide to Parenting Plan Forms in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on parenting plan forms in Colorado Springs! Parenting plans are an essential aspect...

Relocation of One Parent in Colorado Springs: Understanding Child Custody and Support

Relocation of One Parent in Colorado Springs: Understanding Child Custody and Support

When it comes to issues surrounding child custody, it can be a complicated and emotional process for all parties...

Understanding the Income Shares Model Worksheet for Child Support in Colorado Springs

Understanding the Income Shares Model Worksheet for Child Support in Colorado Springs

Are you going through a divorce or separation in Colorado Springs and wondering how child support payments are...

Understanding Filing Fees in Colorado Springs Divorce Cases

Understanding Filing Fees in Colorado Springs Divorce Cases

Are you considering filing for divorce in Colorado Springs? If so, it's important to understand the filing fees...

Understanding Summary Dissolution in Colorado Springs

Understanding Summary Dissolution in Colorado Springs

In Colorado Springs, couples seeking to end their marriage have several options available to them. One of these options...

Uncontested Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Uncontested Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Uncontested divorce is a relatively simple and straightforward process that many couples choose when ending their...

The Process of Filing for Divorce in Colorado Springs

The Process of Filing for Divorce in Colorado Springs

Are you considering filing for divorce in Colorado Springs? This can be a stressful and overwhelming process, but...

Reviewing Legal Forums and Blogs for Finding a Family Law Attorney in Colorado Springs

Reviewing Legal Forums and Blogs for Finding a Family Law Attorney in Colorado Springs

Are you facing a family law issue in Colorado Springs and don't know where to turn? With so many legal forums and blogs...

Parental Relationship with the Child: Understanding Child Custody in Colorado Springs

Parental Relationship with the Child: Understanding Child Custody in Colorado Springs

When it comes to the well-being of a child, there is nothing more important than a strong and healthy parental...

Law Degrees and Certifications for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

Law Degrees and Certifications for Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs

Are you in need of a family law attorney in Colorado Springs? Look no further. Family law cases can be complex and...

Grounds for Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Grounds for Divorce in Colorado Springs: What You Need to Know

Are you considering a divorce in Colorado Springs? Understanding the grounds for divorce is an important first step in...

Understanding Property Liens and Seizure Orders in Colorado Springs

Understanding Property Liens and Seizure Orders in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding property liens and seizure orders in Colorado Springs, specifically...

A Comprehensive Look at Garnishment of Wages and Bank Accounts

A Comprehensive Look at Garnishment of Wages and Bank Accounts

When it comes to child support payments, there are many legal avenues that can be taken to ensure that the custodial...

Understanding Income and Expense Statement Forms for Child Support in Colorado Springs

Understanding Income and Expense Statement Forms for Child Support in Colorado Springs

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding income and expense statement forms for child support in Colorado...